Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Back to Blogging

When I take an accidental hiatus from my blog I feel like the return post must be substantial.  Unfortunately, I keep thinking of things I would love to blog about, but they do not fill the proverbial bill.  So I have decided to jump right back in and not worry if my first few posts are less then spectacular.

So, what have I been up to?

My blogging break originally started when work on the spring play at my children’s school and an event I was planning for our church both struck at once.  I suddenly didn’t have enough time to do anything well, so I focused on those two events.   My family had to eat takeout or cook for themselves.  My house fell to ruins before my eyes.  My pantry quickly emptied and my laundry chute was overflowing.  Soon the piles of laundry spread throughout the house – both clean and dirty.  The basement was covered with pattern pieces, stray pins, and fabric scraps.  My orchid died of neglect - only I didn’t even notice for about another month!

When things get that out of balance, I think the universe is trying to tell you something.  And this time I listened.  I was offered a volunteer position with a lot of responsibility.  It is one of those jobs that requires staying on top of everything (obviously not my strong suit), soothing parents (yikes!), recognizing all the subtle and not so subtle politics involved within any organization (I am so naïve – I only see these things in hindsight) and being able to speak in front of large groups (another weakness, which is why I joined Toastmasters – another story for another day.)  All in all, I knew this job would challenge me to be someone I am not so, I actually said no.

And then something amazing happened - I said no again.  I resigned my position as the email coordinator for my daughter’s grade.  I was in my 5th year in this position and as busy as I get during a play, I needed to let this go as well.  And if I am asked to do something else at church, I have confidence that my answer will be, “I’d rather not.”  I only have 2 years left of being a stay at home mom.  When both my children are attending college, I won’t be staying at home anymore.  With only 2 years left, I want to focus on family.  Lesson learned.